全球疫情緊繃,除了之前亞洲地區之外,目前也在歐美地區等地開始流行!為此,蘋果宣佈因受 COVID-19 疫情 (新型冠狀病毒,俗稱武漢肺炎) 影響,除大中華地區 (包含中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣等地) 之外的 Apple Store 全球 52 間門市,將無限期關閉營業,以避免群聚與銷售之間產生的感染風險!之前在中國疫情爆發時,蘋果便宣佈關閉中國大陸 42 家門市以及澳門 2 家門市服務,直到最近才陸續恢復,而這也表示全球僅「香港與台灣」兩地門市,是唯二沒受過疫情影響而被關閉的,但香港則有因為疫情而縮短營業時間,台灣 2 家直營門市則完全沒被影響過!
原本蘋果在美國時間 3/13 日 (台灣時間 3/14) 對外發布新聞稿表示,COVID-19 在全球傳播影響著每個人,蘋果公司以人為本,除了在技術上堅信改變生活之外,也致力保護每位顧客與員工、夥伴,因此決定最大程度降低病毒傳播風險以及感染風險,減少門市銷售與門市課程之間的接觸距離,將從即日起至 3/27 之前關閉大中華區以外的全球所有 Apple Store 零售商店,以保護蘋果團隊成員和每位客戶!但是在 3/18 在發出新的公告於官網上表示:「將無限期關閉門市,重新開張將另行通知」
Our retail stores are closed until further notice.
We are committed to providing exceptional service to our customers. For purchases with fast and free delivery, shop here on apple.com or the Apple Store app. For service and support, go to support.apple.com or call 800-275-2273.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
不過雖然實體門市的暫時關閉,但蘋果線上商店將持續營運,不管是從瀏覽器進入 www.apple.com 網頁,還是從手機中的 App Store 下載 Apple Store 線上商店 APP,都可以進行商品線上購買與線上服務!
同時蘋果也將推動在家上班,並且擴大對於休假的政策,凡該公司員工因為個人狀況或家庭健康狀況需要休假者,將會予以放寬處理,包含疾病中恢復、照顧罹病家人、強制隔離以及因為停課帶來的育兒需求,進出辦公室之人員也將量測體溫並保持個人距離,同時蘋果公司也將進行 1,500 萬美元 (約台幣 4.5 億台幣) 企業捐款,來做為治療病人以及減輕該流行病對經濟與社區的影響!
另外,蘋果也宣佈六月舉辦的 2020 年【WWDC 開發者大會】,將首度採用「線上方式進行」,以創新方式與世界各地的開發人員進行線上對談與交流!
March 13, 2020
Apple’s COVID-19 response
To the worldwide Apple family,
The global spread of COVID-19 is affecting every one of us. At Apple, we are people first, and we do what we do with the belief that technology can change lives and the hope that it can be a valuable tool in a moment like this. Teachers are innovating to make remote lessons come alive. Companies are experimenting with new ways to stay productive. And medical experts can diagnose illnesses and reach millions with critical updates in the blink of an eye. We are all adapting and responding in our own way, and Apple wants to continue to play a role in helping individuals and communities emerge stronger.
But this global effort — to protect the most vulnerable, to study this virus, and to care for the sick — requires all of our care, and all of our participation. And I want to update you about the ways in which we are doing our part.
Giving Back
Apple’s committed donations to the global COVID-19 response — both to help treat those who are sick and to help lessen the economic and community impacts of the pandemic — today reached $15 million worldwide.
We’re also announcing that we are matching our employee donations two-to-one to support COVID-19 response efforts locally, nationally and internationally.
In Our Offices and Stores
First, I want to recognize Apple’s family in Greater China. Though the rate of infections has dramatically declined, we know COVID-19’s effects are still being strongly felt. I want to express my deep gratitude to our team in China for their determination and spirit. As of today, all of our stores in Greater China have reopened. I also want to thank our operations team and partners for their remarkable efforts to restore our supply chain. What we’ve learned together has helped us all develop the best practices that are assisting enormously in our global response.
One of those lessons is that the most effective way to minimize risk of the virus’s transmission is to reduce density and maximize social distance. As rates of new infections continue to grow in other places, we’re taking additional steps to protect our team members and customers.
We will be closing all of our retail stores outside of Greater China until March 27. We are committed to providing exceptional service to our customers. Our online stores are open at www.apple.com, or you can download the Apple Store app on the App Store. For service and support, customers can visit support.apple.com. I want to thank our extraordinary Retail teams for their dedication to enriching our customers’ lives. We are all so grateful to you.
In all of our offices, we are moving to flexible work arrangements worldwide outside of Greater China. That means team members should work remotely if their job allows, and those whose work requires them to be on site should follow guidance to maximize interpersonal space. Extensive, deep cleaning will continue at all sites. In all our offices, we are rolling out new health screenings and temperature checks.
All of our hourly workers will continue to receive pay in alignment with business as usual operations. We have expanded our leave policies to accommodate personal or family health circumstances created by COVID-19 — including recovering from an illness, caring for a sick loved one, mandatory quarantining, or childcare challenges due to school closures.
For Our Users and Partners
We know our users depend on Apple products all the time, and especially in times like these. We’re bringing the same creativity and passion to meeting this challenge that we do in everything else we undertake.
Apple News has launched a new COVID-19 section, where users can be sure that they can find the latest verified reporting from trusted news outlets.
As you may have seen, our annual Worldwide Developers Conference will be in an entirely new online format this year. We see this as an opportunity to bring together developers around the world in an innovative way.
Looking Ahead
There is no mistaking the challenge of this moment. The entire Apple family is indebted to the heroic first responders, doctors, nurses, researchers, public health experts and public servants globally who have given every ounce of their spirit to help the world meet this moment. We do not yet know with certainty when the greatest risk will be behind us.
And yet I have been inspired by the humanity and determination I have seen from all corners of our global community. As President Lincoln said in a time of great adversity: “The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.”
That’s always how Apple has chosen to meet big challenges. And it’s how we’ll rise to meet this one, too.
小旭的 YouTube 歡迎訂閱: https://www.youtube.com/c/ifansblog
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